British Free Rifle Prone and 3P Match 2014

The Small-bore season gets underway this year for Jack, Dean and Emily with the British Free Rifle Match at Bisley  .Read on...

Dean kneeling in the first of three positions
Emily starting her match in kneeling, the first position of a 3P match
Jack starting his kneeling
Emily moving on to the next position, prone
Jack is starting prone with bright sun
Dean now in the prone position, the second of the three positions
Emily starts the last position, standing.
Dean now in the standing position
Jack changing the rifle setting from prone to standing.
Jack now finishing his match with the last position, standing.
Jack getting silver medal for 2nd in the qualifying match.
Dean collecting his trophy and medal for first in the final and first in the qualifying match.

The British Free Rifle Club, holds prone and three positional competitions at Lord Roberts Centre at Bisley.  This year the meet was on Saturday and Sunday 22nd-23rd March. The completion is a 50 metre small-bore match under ISSF Rules. Saturday is the prone matches and Sunday is the 3P matches.

Jack, Dean and Emily entered into the 3P matches this year, this is the first time they have entered this completion. The weather made it a challenging match; there was bright sunshine, wind, hail and rain.

The 3P match is 3 x 40 for men and 3 x 20 for ladies in the qualifying match, then a mixed Olympic Final.  Unlike other disciplines in small-bore competitions, 3P matches are not decimal scoring. The competitors start with 15 minutes preparation and sighting time for kneeling but when they change positions to prone and standing there in no limit. The sighting time for the change from kneeling to prone and then prone to standing is in the match time.

Emily scored 517 from a possible 600 for her 3 x 20 qualifying match; this was only her third 50 metre 3P competition.

Jack and Dean had a good shoot, both finishing on 1114 in their 3 x 40 match. Dean beating his brother by winning on inner 10’s, Jack having 27 and Dean having 39. Dean was 1st and Jack 2nd in the qualifying match giving both of them a place in the Olympic final.

Both Jack and Dean had a good Olympic final with Jack finishing 5th and Dean in 1st place wining gold.  Dean led the final from the start and maintained the lead throughout.

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